Long time since last post

July 19, 2020  •  3 Comments

It has been a long time since I posted any thing here on the blogg however, that doesn't mean that I haven't been taking any pictures. Yesterday I was on the outskirts of Mora together with my friend Patrik spending some hours crawling around with our macro lenses. Thanks a lot Patrik for a great time and a for showing me around among the flowers and butterflies.


Erik Koffmar
Tack för kommentarerna de uppskattas!

Ljuvliga bilder! Det är verkligen speciellt att krypa ner och bli en del av vår lilla minivärld. Man tröttnar aldrig på det.
Carina Bodin(non-registered)
Så fina och härlig färgskala! Gillade skarpt den håriga larven.
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